Agnes-Judith Hohenbalken

With great joy I pursued doing my career as a paintings conservator for40 years. In this time I also got my trainings in body therapy.
These two occupations helped me to improve my knowledge of painting as well as enlarging my skills in empathy.
Since many years I am interested in spiritual topics like reincarnation, where we come from, where are we going and especially our star origin. What are the influences defining the paths of life and the power within us which are changing our lives?
Above of all my training as a channel helped me a lot in my evolvement. Through this training my ability to channelling images and energies from other dimension was also opened.
One day, during a chat with a friend of mine, I suddenly saw a picture in front of my inner eye. It seemed like an aura which was later identified as a picture of soul evolvement.
This happened again with other people. But now I am only opening up for these visuals by personal request.
This was the trigger for me channelling and painting other pictures of Ascended Masters, Star Masters, Angels, and individual Personal Guides from higher dimensions as well as special Energy Paintings.
This was all predicted by a well known channel two years before. Back then I couldn't imagine it at all that it will happen exactly as predicted.
I am very grateful being able to provide these special energies to people through my pictures which are mediated to me by the spiritual world. You can learn more about the effect of my media work at Feedback.
These two occupations helped me to improve my knowledge of painting as well as enlarging my skills in empathy.
Since many years I am interested in spiritual topics like reincarnation, where we come from, where are we going and especially our star origin. What are the influences defining the paths of life and the power within us which are changing our lives?
Above of all my training as a channel helped me a lot in my evolvement. Through this training my ability to channelling images and energies from other dimension was also opened.
One day, during a chat with a friend of mine, I suddenly saw a picture in front of my inner eye. It seemed like an aura which was later identified as a picture of soul evolvement.
This happened again with other people. But now I am only opening up for these visuals by personal request.
This was the trigger for me channelling and painting other pictures of Ascended Masters, Star Masters, Angels, and individual Personal Guides from higher dimensions as well as special Energy Paintings.
This was all predicted by a well known channel two years before. Back then I couldn't imagine it at all that it will happen exactly as predicted.
I am very grateful being able to provide these special energies to people through my pictures which are mediated to me by the spiritual world. You can learn more about the effect of my media work at Feedback.